Bali Luxury Gourmet Experience on a Budget: The Mulia Cafe
I’ve been writing about food so much lately The Puzzle of Sandra’s Life is unintentionally starting to resemble a food blog, haha. Today I don’t have a recipe or a restaurant review per se for you guys, but I do have one amazing tip that you’ll be glad I told you about when you visit Bali. It’s called The Cafe.
You can find it inside The Mulia, a luxury five-star resort in Nusa Dua. Essentially, it’s a buffet restaurant, but a very fancy and rather affordable one! I know, that’s two words you don’t see in the same sentence very often, which is a reason enough to give it a go if you fancy experiencing luxury on a budget.
You can go there for either breakfast, lunch or dinner, and enjoy top-notch meals from all around the globe for about €30 per person. Being a buffet, you can try whatever you want and go fill up your plate as many times as you like. I would recommend starving yourself beforehand, because everything looks and tastes so good there, you will want to eat all of the things. I went there for lunch, and indian, korean, italian and thai were only some of the cousines I tried. That’s before I made it to the famous dessert bar. Insert blushing emoji.
Even though I said the place is a buffet-style restaurant, it’s not exactly your typical buffet. It looks luxurious, the food is prepared by some of the best chefs in the world, and everything is cooked fresh, sometimes even in front of your eyes. Ten out of ten! If I ever repeat my visit to Bali, we’ll definitely meet again. Would you give it a go too?
I'm so jealous you're in Bali!! Definitely on my bucket list! x
I wish I was, haha! It's been two years since my trip. I need to go back soon. 😀
Borut Potisek
Ja, čudoviti spomini na prekrasen Bali. Hrana v "Mulia" je bila zares vrhunska. Hvala Andreju iz "Zala Villa Bali", da nam je pokazal tudi ta čudovit košček vrhunske kulinarike za zelo sprejemljivo ceno. Nepozabno! Priporočam vsakemu, ki obišče Bali. Brbončice vam bodo hvaležne.